Sunday, April 12, 2009


In the lead up to Easter Mackenzie had a couple of opportunities to meet the Easter Bunny, firstly at Preschool, where they had an Easter Hat parade for all the parents & then at one of our local shopping centres. As you can probably see she was quite chuffed by both meetings!

Mackenzie also won the Easter Raffle run by our local Scout group. Check out the size of the basket & the amount of chocolate! One lucky little girl or should I say family...LOL!

The girls left out some treats before going to bed on Saturday night for the Easter Bunny & on Easter Sunday morning they were excited to see that the Easter Bunny had enjoyed their offering & even left a little treat of his own for them!

And here are some photos from there fantastic morning of easter egg hunting & the only day of the year where chocolate actually is on the breakfast menu!

Hope everyone has had a fantastic day as well & as always, thanks for stopping by. xx